My Clients Plus
254 results found
1 vote
A way to edit or create an also-known-as name for health plans.
Would like a way to edit the name of the insurance company, or create an AKA name, so we can have an insurance company listed more than once identified by the specific plans they have (e.g.-medicare advantage plans, medicaid plans, commercial plans).
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Client Session activity/reports available to therapists WITHOUT $ amounts
We would like for more features to be available where privileges can be set for therapists to see session details WITHOUT having them also see billed charges. When we get ready to do invoicing, we love being able to easily see which sessions are missing progress notes with the clipboard icon. There is currently no way for therapists to do this same overview without going into each and every session and checking every date on their notes.
Please! :)
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Client Statements in Landscape
When creating and printing client statements, please reorient them into landscape mode. When families want a statement for the calendar year (for taxes, reimbursement, etc), the columns on the right aren't large enough to see the amounts... the text ends up on top of other entries, especially if the totals are in the thousands. If the columns "charges" through "client responsibility" were wider, there wouldn't be a problem.
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Allow adjustment (write-off) upon entering session and payment for sliding scale clts.
When we first enter a session and payment, could there be a second window for write-off adjustment (e.g. for sliding scale Clts)? As it is I have to enter session, invoice, go to payments and adjustments, write-off, then print a $ statement for the Clt in order to send a $0 balance to the Clt for that session.
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Zip Code Checking Scrub Feature
Request that if a zip code is entered incorrectly that MCP catches it and rejects it so that claim doesn't get processed. Would like a scrubbing feature/google zip code check so they don't have to pay for additional claims when they have to be resubmitted.
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It would be great to search by preferred name.
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Account Activity
When you pull up a clients account activity it should have the most recent session listed first and then go back in time order.
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Under practice stats by range: When I go to print for my accountant to compare one year from the last, incomplete view of years.
I need to see both dates in full when I print.
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Block from billing future dates of service
Would like it if the system stopped claims that had dates that are in the future, so that they can't be billed until that date.
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Header overlaps notes
When printing progress notes for a client, the header overlaps the session note sometimes. In this case, we have to change the margins drastically, resulting in lots of blank space at the top and bottom of the printed note.
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I would like to see a more detailed invoice. Clients complain that they do not see their check numbers or credits card charges.on their bill.
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Ability to bill for DME
Would like to submit claims for DME through My Clients Plus.
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Restrict account access to client file attachments
Ability to set privileges to not allow access to the client file attachments for usernames on account.
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1 vote
MIPS reporting
It would be great if MCP began integrating MIPS reporting at Therapy Notes is doing. Without this feature, Medicare providers must do a lot of extra record keeping and work to do the reporting.
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1 vote
For clients with the same Diagnosis Codes (provider types), we should be able to export and import into different accounts
For clients with the same Diagnosis Codes (provider types), we should be able to export and import into different accounts. I have two PYSCH clients and it would be a lot easier to grab what I have already inputted from this massive list @, rather than having to put this in manually again for a separate client. XML or CSV or whatever.....
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Register office space and schedule offices
It would be very helpful to have the ability to registeroffice spaces by name or number and then have multiple providers be able to schedule office rooms at the same time they schedule an appointment.
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Out of network billing claim deletion stay in balances due you
It is confusing when I go to delete a claim, it takes me out of balances due and then I have to re-enter to go back and delete another claim or check the other claims. Can you make it so that it just deletes the claim that was not accepted and not leave that page? Please :)
1 vote
- Don't see your idea?