Filter Clients by Insurance Company report by active, inactive or all clients
Allow the Clients by Insurance Company report to be filtered by active clients, inactive clients, or all clients.

William Gould commented
I had just signed on to make this recommendation. - This would help when researching an insurance companies most current reimbursement rates. - New laws require that clients are aware of their cost prior to starting new services. So many families are struggling financially in today economic climate which does impact their mental health. Our jobs are to reduce stress in people's lives not create more; which is what happens when there is no responsibility given to predetermining upfront cost.Restricting this report search by active and inactive would be a time saver.
Mary Kate Sheridan commented
We're only interested in which Active clients have a certain insurance, but the report shows both. The option to show Active, Inactive, or both would be very helpful, or at least some sort of indicator on the report to differentiate between active and inactive.