Export appointments to other calendars
I have to keep two calendars open on my desktop side by side at all times to ensure that I don't double book. One is for personal appointments and the other is Jituzu. I would like the option to export my Jituzu calendar appointments to a .ics file for Outlook (and other popular calendars).
Kylie commented
I am the OP and I want to express my continuing frustration that MCP and Jituzu seem to ignore these feedback comments competely. At least that has been my experience since subscribing in 2011.
h-farkas commented
I'm just about to launch a new website that integrates the Jituzu portal. The inability to sync with my Google calendar and the likelihood of double-booking is the one issue that makes me rethink the decision to integrate the portal.
professortim7 commented
Non symc is why I do not use mcp calendar and am closing my jituzu account and opening a gsuite account. It is only six dollars a month and I get Hipaa compliant and secure email. Most of my clients prefer to use a tablet and an epen to fill out my intake paperwork and will email it to me even if they have the portal. They just dont think about security like we do. If I pay $6 a month versus $15 a month for mcp I get a ton more items such as my website domain as my email. I am headed this directon after using the portal for the past four months.
professortim7 commented
How bout we just make jituzu sync with google and outlook? easy enough. Any other calendar I use just uses pop email and an exchange registration.
Anonymous commented
Jituzu appts should be exported to another calendar with initials only
ianshaferlpc commented
I scrolled until I found this because I knew I couldn't be the only one. I *absolutely* want a sync feature with Google Calendar.
rhoward commented
Google please! This is such a time crunch each and every week!
Anonymous commented
Google Calendar, please!
Cynthia Swartz commented
This is honestly one of those "deal breaker" ideas. Other scheduling software allows this and I'm thinking about switching back.
Katherine Palermo commented
please sync with google calendar
kylie commented
I vote for syncing to Outlook, just like TheraNest does. I believe this is a sister company of MyClientsPlus. Its calendar is far superior!
rhoward commented
I would second the last request -- each week I have to add my google calendar clients to my jituzu calendar -- is it possible to add this feature?
Cara Pierce commented
Would like to be able to sync the Jituzu Calendar with a Google Calendar so I would not have to maintain two calendars.
Anonymous commented
I am having to use another scheduling program because I need an appt calendar to sync to Google calendar which is connected to other calendars I use. Jituzu is the only program I have used that doesn't provide this.
Sandi Grabasch commented
Being able to sync Jituzu with Google calendar would be awesome!